Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Grandparents are coming!!!

Grandpa Jim and Grandma Gina came into town a few weeks ago! It was so much fun to see them play with Braden! They even took him for a whole day to Fredricksburg while Scott and I stayed back relaxed and went to a movie! It was so nice! Scott and Jim went golfing a couple of days, and Jim and Gina were able to go to the coast for a couple days too. They of course brought gifts back to spoil Braden with! He is waiting for some sand to come so that he can build a giant sand castle with the tools they gave him! He is already using the chair they gave him, and it amazes me how easily he gets in and out of it. We also learned where Scott gets the urge to fly Braden through the air...of course it's from his dad! Jim flew Braden through the air on his chair! So this is fair warning Amanda, start getting little Tori ready for some rides of her own. =) Here are a few pics and a video of their trip. More pics are to follow when Grandpa sends them.

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