Friday, April 10, 2009

TROUBLE with a capital T!

I don't know how many times I say, "Braden don't get yourself in trouble," but it's a lot! He's into just about everything! He loves cords, especially the speaker cord that goes behind the couch. We've taped down part of it, but he of course finds the part that's not taped down. =) He also loves everything Abby. He likes to get on her pillow, get her bone, play with the doggie door, play with her water bowl, and play with the door on her crate! He has found the cabinets now too! He hasn't broken anything yet and we are putting up safety things this weekend, but he espeically loves the tupperware and the pots and pans. In a matter of a couple minutes he will have 4 or 5 drawers pulled out and about 20 things on the floor.

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