Monday, March 29, 2010


My precious baby has to get tubes in his ears. =( We've been trying to treat some fluid/ear infections with meds but it just hasn't gone away. So even though he has been learning new words at an average rate, the fact is he is hearing everything like he is at least 6 inches under water. Our daycare person said that he is really advanced in everything and based on how advanced he is in other things, then his speech is behind that. Hopefully after this minor surgery he will become more advanced in speaking just like he is in everything else!! We are tentatively set for next Thursday so please keep us in your prayers that day and leading up to it as we are trying some more meds to get rid of his current infection.

Anyway...on a lighter note and going along with the "no" blog from a couple weeks ago. The other day we were all sitting at the table and I was telling Scott about a doctor's appointment. Scott said, "Poor little guy hasn't been hearing very well," and Braden, without a second's hesitation said, "no" in his adorable little voice. It was precious but kinda broke my heart in the same instance. I know it will be hard to see him in a hospital bed, but God is good and will get us(Scott and I...Braden won't feel much at all) through it. It's fun to hear him talk now so I can't wait when I know that he can really hear and speak even more! Thanks in advance for your prayers!!

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