So it's a little different but Braden loves to move his hand anytime he hears music! It's really pretty funny. At church everyone always talks about how much he loves to dance to the music when we pick him up, and at night one of Braden and Dad's favorite pastimes is to go listen and dance to the music part of his swing. During the day, Braden and I go into the bathroom to listen to the radio and look at all the reflections in the 3 mirrors we have in there. His dancing is really just bouncing but his hand definitely goes along with the song! Such a cute little boy!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Playing in the Pool!
We've been able to go to the pool the last couple weekends and it's been so much fun to see Braden in the water! He was kinda serious about it the first weekend but yesterday we took him into the big pool and he really liked splashing the water and kicking his legs! Of course my competitive husband made some sort of game that he convince Julia to play. I'm not sure who ended up winning, but either way they had a lot of fun! =) 

Watering the plants and Abby
Braden loves playing in the water and he loves playing with the hose! The weather has been so nice lately so we've been spending a lot of nights outside. Braden goes right over to the hose to play with the water! Last week, Braden was playing with the water and Abby saw him from inside and started wimpering. So we let her out and she went right for the water. Anyone that knows Abby knows that she loves hose water. There's just something special about it. =) Abby and Braden played for quite a while! It was really cute!
Monday, May 4, 2009
On Saturday night we went with some friends to the Boerne Fire Department Fish Fry Fundraiser! It was a lot of fun and the fish was actually pretty good! We walked all around the trucks and got to see all the cool things firemen get to use! One of our friend's son loves to get all decked out as different professions so of course he came as a fireman! Little McCoy was soooo cute! It was like 90 that day and his dad told him to wear shorts, but he said, "Dad, Firemen don't wear shorts!" What a cutie! We just got Braden a litte Fireman outfit at the garage sale too so in a couple years he might just sport his outfit to the fish fry!

Boy's Night In!
Last Friday night Braden and dad stayed at home while mom and A.J. went out with some of her friends! The girls had a good time going to see a movie and the boys stayed back and played. They cleaned dad's truck, played in the yard, and went on a walk. Seemed like they had a lot of fun! Braden sure did get messy! He's getting into more and more trouble lately! Therefore we brought out the shirt from the pics below! =) Poor little guy has gotten into quite a bit last week...he pinched his fingers in a door, got bit by a fire ant, and fell somehow and got a little bruise on his cheek. You can't look away for even a second and he's in something else!
10 Months old!!
Wow this last month has flown by! Braden is more and more fun everyday! He is pulling up on everything and is standing by himself for a while too! He crawls so fast it's crazy to see him go for something he really wants! He just zooms across the floor! He is talking a lot more too! Lots of jibber jabber! He loves eating regular people food, still not to keen on the baby food! He has really gotten a mind of his own this past week too! He is no longer my happy go lucky baby. =( When he doesn't get what he wants he lets out this little wine/cry/scream. I thought I had a few more months before that started, but I guess not! He has said really close to his first word too! It's "ball"! He loves any kind of ball and when he sees one or gets one in his had he says "ba" and either picks it up over his head or just tosses it down! It's so cute! He will do anything for a ball! I think that is going to have to be the theme of his birthday party! He also loves music! He dances and waves his hands whenever we put music on. We bought a little music set with maracas at a garage sale and he just loves them! He crawls with them and just shakes them all around.

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